Noteworthy that Israelite men had "neat well trimmed" beards. Who knows, flint knives and the law requiring NOT cutting it says otherwise.
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Beards are now allowed - New Light
by Listener inlett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
New GB update - beards are now perfectly ok (no really!)
by FFGhost into save y’all the agony of having to sit & watch lett (looking even more puffy and jaundiced than the last time), here is a summary:.
beards are now perfectly fine for anyone & everyone, including ministerial servants, elders, and “special full time servants” (cos and betheliites).. but don’t go and feel “vindicated” — even if you knew you were right about beards, you shouldn’t run ahead of jehovah’s “chariot”.. so there you go.. if you need explicit permission from a puffy steroid addled facial contortionist with an increasingly ridiculous combover to make personal grooming decisions…you might be in a cult .
road to nowhere
There will be knee jerk beards show up. I hate to tell them but it takes 4to 6 weeks to start. Then 3 months or more to filling.
Now: curly wild hairs, dying, mutton chops, soul patches
Womens dignified pants suits next?
JW lose case against victims
by enoughisenough incaught this video:
road to nowhere
Are Atheists Hypocritical in Celebrating Christmas?
by Sea Breeze inrichard dawkins revealed that he celebrates christmas on radio four's today programme.. here is is quoted as saying: .
'i am perfectly happy on christmas day to say merry christmas to everybody,' dawkins said.
'i might sing christmas carols - once i was privileged to be invited to kings college, cambridge, for their christmas carols and loved it.
road to nowhere
No. He celebrates a season where the short daylight, cold, loneliness are mitigated by food, camaraderie, and song. (Aside, what of long warm days in southern hemisphere)?(taken from northern traditions?)
Witnesses are hypocritical in demonizing fun despite protestations otherwise. Their sole celebration is partly correct save the going out for snacks afterward.
Being honest, decorations, a drink, feasting, time tested hymns are pleasant for us all.
It is noteworthy that media refuses to play traditional songs like silent night now (woke). Other snobs dislike grandma got run over.
I like my eggnog, can hear the songs without believing there were 3 kings, or in a godhead.
Anti-gravity in the new world!
by BoogerMan infrom golden age, march 24, 1926.
"many have wondered how accidents would be avoided during christ’s kingdom, since we are told that nothing shall then hurt or destroy.
most accidents are due to gravitation and its effects.
road to nowhere
I can hardly wait. Years ago a brother said we wouldn't get hurt because stupidity and clumsiness are from imperfection.
BTW. If I fall out at 35000 feet is there an anticold device?
How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View Education?
by southyukon ini have a question about this article..
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
road to nowhere
But never encourage someone to pursue electronics if not already enrolled.
Since armageddon is coming by (choose date) you don't need a good job. Forget retirement
road to nowhere
The whipping will continue until morale improves
Quick builds
by moley inwhat was the standard of quick builds.
did they cut corners, ignore building regulations, were they unsafe .
road to nowhere
Quick builds were fun if you got into a decent crew--real fellowship. I recall a 4H hall being in the news for being done by in 2 days by volunteers.
The only place I ever heard ofhaving 5 star work was Warwick. One local had hurt feelings seeing his work repeatedly torn out, and he did good work.
I have seen parking with huge puddles, and engineering to run all rain toward the front door.
The FDS Photoshop
by Vanderhoven7 infor those interested in the latest version of the faithful slave.
from the february 2024 watchtower .
road to nowhere
Wasn't there a post some time back about luxury homes that seemed to be the real abodes of the elite? Maybe they are barbequeing and having a bourbon in gated suburbia most times and the apartments are just for infrequent visits. I'm pretty sure they have a valet in addition to the (ne essary) secretary.
The FDS Photoshop
by Vanderhoven7 infor those interested in the latest version of the faithful slave.
from the february 2024 watchtower .
road to nowhere
Zoom? The real powers behind the throne set the agenda and the GB meetings are window dressing? Maybe verbal or even physical fights?